Xploding Boxes Xploding Boxes

Xploding Boxes has been updated to version 2.1, bringing new levels, better nav and BBM Profile Box support. Also, in my review last month, I failed to mention that the release of v2.0 added PlayBook support as well. This great game is now available on virtually every RIM device in the market, so get to it CrackBerrians! Ready, set, Xplode!

New in version 2.1:

Levels 216-230 - These higher level puzzles are getting devilishly devious!

Easier navigation

  • When launching the app the last level played is preselected on the level selection screen (which is huge for non-touch screen navigation).
  • Also the level selection screen allows for the use of the 'T' and 'B' keys to quickly go to the top or the bottom of that screen.

The last new feature is the use of the BBM profile boxes.

BBM integration with this app requires BBM version 6.0.1 which is currently still in beta. If you have a lower version of BBM installed you will not see these options at all. What it does (when enabled) is allow you to place a small box on the bottom of your BBM profile page, showing how many levels you have beaten. The setting to enable this can be found on the options page for both BBM, and Xploding Boxes under the setting of "Post recent activities to my Profile".

More information/download of Xploding Boxes