Wordpress For BlackBerry Updated To Version 1.2 

If you already have Wordpress installed, chances are you've been notiified of this update. However, just in case you missed it for some reason or are unaware that such an app existed. You can now grab the latest version of Wordpress for BlackBerry from BlackBerry App World or direct from the Wordpress website. Version 1.2 is what you will find available. With version 1.2 you'll find some nice changes to the application as a whole.

  • Ability to show comprehensive site stats for WordPress.com sites and for self-hosted sites running the WP.com stats plugin
  • Ability to add audio recordings to a post/page
  • Ability to post media files that are not tied to post/page
  • Ability to add a signature on posts created from the mobile app
  • “1- click” share to WordPress within the native BlackBerry Browser and File Explorer
  • Improvements on GPS support
  • Redesigned GUI with touch support

The community behind Wordpress is not going to be slowing down anytime, so the application will certainly keep improving as it grows older. These updates are all welcomed changes. You can read the full details of the change log via the Wordpress For BlackBerry website if you head on over there.

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