BlackBerry Lock Screen  

I've always been a big fan of finding new lock screen apps for my BlackBerry. I love using apps like PatternLock or Easy Lock Pro instead of the built-in screen lock (with the hardware key) or a password. I've always wanted to see this type of functionality included in the native BlackBerry OS, letting you choose what type of lock screen to use.

We've already seen some slides of what could be the lock screen in BlackBerry 10, where you would slide to unlock just like Windows Phone. What I would like to see is an option to choose your lock screen - pattern lock, slide to unlock, simple password or even face unlock. Something like this would add some more customization to the OS and give it another great selling point. Some options could include:

  • Pattern: Draw a pattern to unlock
  • PIN: Enter a 4-digit PIN
  • Puzzle: Drag a puzzle piece into place
  • Slide: Slide to unlock like iOS or Windows Phone
  • Password: Enter a password
  • Face Unlock: Unlock with your face on the front camera
  • Hardware Key: Use a built-in hardware key to unlock

Which unlock options would you like to see in BlackBerry 10? You can pick up to three in the poll above. Choose which you'd most like to see then hit the comments and let us know why!

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