If you like to keep up to date with world news you may want to check out Trendy News Magazine which is available for all BlackBerry 10 devices. 

With a black, white and blue user interface and a choice or either English, German or Chinese as the native language, Trendy News provides articles from around the globe, all nicely presented in true BlackBerry fashion. As well as being able to scroll up and down through articles, you can also slide from side to side with related stories - giving you as much news as possible. 

No time to read all the stories now? That's no issue as with a long hold of the article you can save it for later, whether you are online or not. These stories can be accessed from the star tab at the top of the display. 

With trends, topics and search tabs at the base of the screen, Trendy News Magazine is your one stop shop for finding out what's in the headlines. With full sharing options and being BBM connected I think the £0.75/$0.99 price tag is well worth it. Who's with me? 

More information/Download Trendy News Magazine for BlackBerry 10

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