Track My Car may not be an application that we will use everyday, but it will certainly come in handy for certain situations - such as parking at airports or when visiting unfamiliar towns/cities. There's also two good other reasons to have this one on your BlackBerry 10 smartphone. First up - it is free and secondly the app is 'Built for BlackBerry' which ensures it has fulfilled certain criteria within BlackBerry World. 

Once you open up Track My Car you are presented with two boxes on-screen. The top one you simply press to store your current location when parking. Then when you need to return to your vehicle you tap the locate car box. You will first off be shown a map - which has your current location and the route to your car. At the base of the display are two other tabs. 

The first of these is directions and you just get the route in plain old text. Where things get clever is with the AR tab. The developers have clearly taken advantage of the Wikitude API as you can use the camera lens to track your car using augmented reality. As you pan around you will get a yellow arrow on the display pointing to either left or right until you come across the icon for your car. Just keep on heading towards it and hey presto - you will be reunited! 

As I said - I probably won't use the app very often myself but it sure is staying in my GPS apps folder. I lost my car at an airport once and at 3AM in freezing conditions it wasn't a load of fun as you can imagine. 

More information/Download Track My Car for BlackBerry 10

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