
For business professionals, LinkedIn is a valuable tool and resource for communication, much like BlackBerry smartphones. Now, BlackBerry users using a BlackBerry 6 compatible device can download the latest release and get in on the action as LinkedIn has just updated to include support for BlackBerry 6. They have also included a new profile layout for users as well, as mentioned on the site:

  • Profile Design Refresh: Viewing member profiles is the #1 activity users do today in the application. We’ve re-designed the profile completely to make it easier to see and interact with all the information on it, while also adding two new features. We’ve been asked by many users for the ability to view the connections of the people they are connected to, as well as to see who they have in common with people on the site. Those new features are now available right at the top of the profile.

In addition to the BlackBerry 6 compatability and the new profile layout, LinkedIn has also acknowledged that some users are unhappy wih how the app actually closes. Rather, how it doesn't close as it's always running in the background. While it's not in this release, the fix for it will be coming in a later release. But, at least they have now acknowledged that it is an issue and will be addressing it as soon as possible. Thanks Dave Peckens for letting me know!

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