Messages play an important role in my day to day communications. Whether it be replying to a friend or colleague's email or text, or answering a simple client inquiry there are some situations where it is important to retain these conversations. I, for one, am a firm believer in always keeping a backup, especially when switching devices or reloading the OS. In those cases when I'm not near a computer to sync with BlackBerry Link, there's nothing wrong with using a third party application to store the information for you without cables.

While this only works for non-HTML emails (no attachment support at this time) and text messages, this handy application allows for complete conversations to be saved as text files on your device or SD Card. For those who have tried forwarding a text message on BlackBerry 10, it only sends the last conversation sent or received. Exporter allows you to save the thread itself. Not only apply to text messages but for emails and PIN messages as well. All are sorted by contact or sender name in easy to read text formats that are editable in Documents to Go.

In addition to the export as text capability, you can pick and choose conversations in a range or select specific lines of text to copy to share using the available methods that populate the list such as BBM, email, social accounts, or the Remember application. This applies to emails as well it groups them together based on specific conversations. These are indicated by the number shown to the right of the sender. 


  • Native BlackBerry 10 app using Cascades framework for smooth animations and transitions that follows BlackBerry 10 flow guidelines.
  • Extremely secure and well-tested to be stable.
  • Attractive UI with lots of user-friendly icons and tutorials.
  • Ease of use: Export all your emails/SMS/PIN messages in one-click to export them.
  • Setting to append to existing files or replace existing files.
  • Ability to control the level of detail that shows up in the exported messages (detail of timestamps or no timestamps).
  • Ability to control the name that appears for messages sent by you.
  • Ability to control the order that the messages are displayed (oldest to newest or vice-versa).
  • Setting to allow formatting control by enabling or disabling double-spacing.
  • Ability to select multiple conversations or single conversations, as well as all messages or specific messages to be exported.
  • Differentiating bubbles for messages that you have sent and the messages that were sent to you.
  • Special exclusive range select feature that allows a range of messages to be selected!
  • Share framework action to allow the messages and conversations to be shared to other places like BBM, Email, SMS, Remember, WhatsApp etc.
  • Integration into BlackBerry 10 framework to allow any apps to use Exporter to save some plain-text data to a file.

As I said earlier, media files attached to emails and MMS are unsupported, however, the developer is aware of this. Bug and feature requests are viewable directly from within the application which is actually a great way to for customers to track them and know they are being worked on. Submitting a feature request or contacting them is possible through the help menu. Media support for MMS is currently on the bug list. Also, for new messages to appear within the application you do have to exit and reload for it to capture them.

It's native, Built for BlackBerry so you know it met the criteria, offers a pleasant and smooth interface, and provides a useful function right at your fingertips. Exporter is only $1.99 and supports all BlackBerry 10 devices.

More information/purchase Exporter

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