Download Free Wallpapers for your BlackBerry PlayBook!

BlackBerry PlayBook Wallpaper

The BlackBerry PlayBook comes with a good selection of wallpaper out of the box, but when you're ready for something more, look no further than our free wallpaper gallery. Over the last few days I've had numerous people ask me where I got the wallpaper on my BlackBerry PlayBook. This, along with many other amazing wallpapers, is available in our free wallpaper gallery. We have tons of user submitted wallpapers for the BlackBerry PlayBook (and every other BlackBerry device as well) so you can certainly find something that suits you and your tablet. You can browse all of our categories, download to your heart's content and even upload some of your own to share with the world. Want to make your own wallpapers but not sure how? Keep reading for a quick explaination of BlackBerry PlayBook wallpaper sizing.

Browse the free BlackBerry Playbook wallpaper gallery
Download the CB Ribbon Wallpaper

The PlayBook currently utilizes 1024 x 1024 pixels on the screen which is the max width and height of the wallpaper in both landscape and portrait rotations. In landscape, the displayed portion is the 1024x600 region centered in the 1024x1024 canvas. And in portrait, you see the centered 600x1024 region of the 1024x1024 canvas.

You'll need to size the desired image you want displayed on the homescreen to 1024x600 pixels and then extend the canvas on either side up to 1024, so that the actual full size of the wallpaper is 1024x1024.. In landscape the image will fit the homescreen perfectly. When rotated to portrait you'll lose some of the image from left to right and see your canvas on the top and bottom, but at least for landscape you're good to go. It may sound confusing, but it works. For more on BlackBerry PlayBook wallpaper sizing check out our full guide here.

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