BlackBerry Bold vs iPhone 3G Comparison

Whether you like it or not, RIM BlackBerry Bold 9000 vs. Apple iPhone 3G comparisons and "Which is Better?" or "Which should I buy?" questions are going to be popping up all over the interwebs in the weeks ahead.

There is good reason for this...without a doubt the BlackBerry Bold and iPhone 3G are the two hottest smartphones hitting the market this summer (runner ups go to the HTC Touch Diamond and Sony Xperia X1 assuming they get released before the summer is over).

If you're one of the many interested in the comparison, here's some food for thought... You can click the image at left for a feature comparison of the Bold & iPhone 3G (thanks Hayden!). 

And while it may not be a BlackBerry Bold vs iPhone 3G comparison, if you haven't seen it yet you should check out the Hands-On BlackBerry Bold vs iPhone Original Comparison put together by Dieter over at The iPhone Blog. I'm pretty sure this is still the only hands-on video out there comparing the two form factors and phones directly.

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