Use BlackBerry App world to scan barcodes

Many people want a barcode scanning app that can read codes in the wide world and report on the best deals around.  But some just want to read QR codes.  Quick Response codes are the black and white, checkered squares you see in the CrackBerry app store and at the BlackBerry App World website.  While there are many options for scanning a barcode, they all require you to take a picture of it.  A process that I fail at more often than not.

The barcode scanner in the BlackBerry App World application (try saying that three times fast!) is different.  Rather than taking pictures, App World processes the live feed coming from the video camera.  Just press the menu key and select "Scan a Barcode."  Hold your smartphone up to the code and wait a few moments.  You'll soon get a message asking if you want to follow the link.  Presuming of course, the QR code is for a website.  

Using the App World scanner, you can process any QR code.  I use the scanner to get App World or CrackBerry App Store links into my phone.  It's much faster than sending an email to myself.  And with a BlackBerry smartphone, you know that's saying something. 

Thanks to sutriat for originally pointing this out to me

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