The Dangers of Facebook for BlackBerry

BlackBerry + Facebook App + Partying = Trouble

That was the valuable lesson (err... equation) I learned this weekend. Friday night was Halloween party night for me and I dressed up as a BlackBerry-addicted Superman to take in all the festivities. Well, I guess the aim was just to be Superman, but as a full-fledged BlackBerry addict it was impossible to leave my phone at home.

I don't normally snap too many pics on my Curve, but with my newly installed Facebook for BlackBerry app offering the ability to instantly publish pictures to my Facebook, I couldn't help but snap photos and instantly publish them to my Facebook all night long (what a mouthful).

Suffice to say, when I rolled out of bed Saturday afternoon and logged into Facebook, I saw wayyy more pics than I remembered taking in my 'Mobile Uploads' album. The progression of the evening was clearly depicted, and I feverishly worked to clean up the mess of pics...deciding to only leave the 3 behind that were taken prior to 9pm. Thank goodness my mom isn't on Facebook yet. :-)

We all know to Don't Drink and Drive. Next step... Don't Drink and CrackBerry. I think I'm going to put that on a T-Shirt to start spreading the word.

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