Changing Your Ringtone on your BlackBerry
So, you are at the WES show. You are surrounded by hundreds of people just like you -- CrackBerry addicts, tech junkies and BlackBerry professionals. You are milling about in a madding crowd of tech-savvy users when the phone rings. It is that distinctive BlackBerry factory tone. Suddenly, a hundred people begin digging in their pockets for their BlackBerries. All pull out the devices peer at the screen and all but one curse in disappointment. It wasn’t their Berry ringing after all.

It seems to be a big problem at WES.

It's not a problem if you are the only BlackBerry owner in your office, but having the same ringtone can be if everyone was has the same one and everyone reaches for their phone when it rings. And, while no one likes those people who download the entire version of Beethhoven’s “Ode to Joy” as a ringtone, maybe you should look at personalizing your Berry to avoid the anxiety caused by the ubiquitous factory tone.

Adding ringtones is very easy. If you want to see a range of easy to install ringtones, check out the Ringtones Available at the CrackBerry Store.

If you own an 8700 or later model with the 4.1 OS BlackBerry you can download mp3 ringtones easily.

Go to the BlackBerry browser. Type in the address of one of the ringtone providers. Some charge for ringtones while other offer tones for free.

Scroll through their list and select the ringtone you want. Press download and the tone will be automatically sent to the correct folder on your BlackBerry.

Log out of the browser. Go to Profiles. Select Normal. Select Phone, or whichever function you want to change the tone for.

Then go to Tune. Your Mp3 phone tunes will drop down in a menu.Pick the file you want and click the tone will automatically be changed.

If you own a Blackberry 7290 or earlier the process is more involved. These BlackBerries only support MIDI files.

Seek out a site that provides MIDI files. It is better to search for the site on a computer first as reviewing is easier. Select the file you wish to download. Sites will provide instructions.

In some cases you’ll see a screen where you can enter the ID number of the MIDI file you want to load. The BlackBerry 7290 for example has a MIDI player for the format.

As soon as the file is downloaded, the MIDI file will start playing on the handheld. The MIDI player has three buttons. One starts the audio file, one stops it, and the other gives you an action menu, which includes the option to save the MIDI file to the BlackBerry. You can rename the MIDI files to any name you want when saving them. Move the cursor to the File field in the Save File dialog box and give the file the name you want.

Once downloaded follow the same process as above. You can delete audio files you don’t want any more by going to Profiles clicking the wheel once and choosing Show Tunes. Highlight the file name, clicking one more time, and choosing Delete from the menu.