It's been a much debated topic at CrackBerry HQ and beyond. Some users find the new views in BlackBerry 6 to be extremely useful, while some find them to be extremely pointless. Depending on your device (touchscreen or not) and how you use it, you may find that they are more a hinderence than help. On my Torch I tried to use them (and like them) but it was a no go. Now that I'm on my Bold 9780 I find them even less usefully and fairly annoying. As Kevin said in his Bold 9780 review, a big issue is that you actually scroll across views when you don't want to which just kind of sucks in general.

So our question today CrackBerry Nation is this -- do you use views on your BlackBerry 6 device? We want to see first off how many of you actually use the views, and second what the difference is between touchscreen and non-touchscreen devices. Cast your vote in one of the polls above and leave a comment letting us know why or why not and what device you are using. Make sure you vote in the correct poll - there is one for Torch users and one for non-Torch users. Lets hear it!

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